Friday 24 January 2014

Friday, January 24th 2013

Hello, everyone! :)
Very early update for you all, but I had so much fun with this chapter that I raced through it! :D Consider it an early celebration for Lily's birthday. :P

Here's the preview:

"Coward!" the second one spat as Sirius tucked his wand away, bowed into Padfoot and took off across the floor; Marlene was being dragged now, toward the telephone box entrance.

"Stop him!" one of the golden people ordered, and the second one - a woman - released her hold on Marlene's wrists and rounded on Padfoot. He dodged two spells - nasty, crimson looking ones - and then ran straight into a third, which-

What? he wondered.

He could see Marlene. He liked her. Her not believing his innocence and the whole tying to kill him issue hadn't helped things much, but he still, Merlin-help-him, liked her. Silly, he told himself, and then wheezed a doggy laugh from where he was lying on the ground; Silly was what Harry had called him when Harry was a pupp- baby. Harry was a baby, not a puppy. Or had been. Makes sense because he's a wolf, too, Padfoot thought, or will be.

He stood up and shook his coat out; it itched a bit, so he paused for a scratch. Two people were watching him, one – Marlene, who he liked – was fighting to get free. The other woman – the shiny one - had a stick raised in his direction and Padfoot’s breath caught.

She’s going to throw it, he thought, and his tail wagged. Only she didn’t; she held it at a funny angle, and said a spell.

The next update is set for Sunday, but it could be earlier (no promises!) depending on how quickly I get it done. :P

Sunday 19 January 2014

Sunday, January 19th, 2014

Hi, everyone!
It's Sunday, and you know what that means; an update! :D

Here's the preview:

“And you,” Mad-Eye said quietly, sparing a quick look for Sirius.

“Don’t bother,” Sirius said, rolling his wand between his fingers. “I’m staying.” He wasn’t sure why Mad-Eye hadn’t left with the rest. It was odd... but Mad-Eye was one of the most cautious people he knew, and Sirius also trusted his judgement. He’d learned that much in the Order.

“Good,” Mad-Eye said, with an odd smile. He took a sip from his hipflask, and then looked worried. Sirius ignored that, and glanced back at the door. “Makes this easier.”

Until next week! :)

Friday 10 January 2014

Saturday, January 11th 2014

Hi, everyone!
I'm back, and managed to get a bit of writing done while I was away, so here it is; a slightly early update! :D
The next update will be Sunday, as usual. :)

Here's the preview:

"Shall we talk?" he asked.

"No," Harry said at once. "Just- I'm sorry, Padfoot, but I- You have to go."

"Why?" Sirius asked, taking a step forward. Harry's wand jerked up to focus on Sirius, who put his hands up and took a step back. "Hey," he said, frowning.

"Please," Harry said. "I don't want- I'm not- It's too dangerous."

"Well yeah, kiddo," Sirius said. "You've got a wand pointed at me." Harry started to lower his wand and then changed his mind. His hand was shaking, but the wand itself hardly moved.

"Not the wand," he said. "It isn't. It's- It's me, Padfoot. And I can't- I'll hurt you."

Until next week! :D