Saturday, 21 June 2014

Saturday, June 21nd 2014

Hi all! The chapter's ready! Here's the preview: Padfoot huffed at them, but didn’t lift his nose. It was only mid-morning, but up in the mountains, it was dark enough to be the afternoon. Afternoon on… was it Sunday, or Monday? Padfoot counted back mentally. It was hard to keep track of time as a dog, and hard to keep track of time in the mountains, when everything was dark, no matter the time of day. Their mission structure also made it difficult; they walked for as long as they could, slept when they felt like it, or needed a break, and then walked some more. Sunday or Monday? Padfoot wondered again, and was bothered by the fact that he wasn’t certain. Enjoy! MarauderLover7.


  1. Hi. I couldn't figure out any other way of contacting you, so here it goes.

    I've recently (August) found your stories posted on, and I have never ever read anything as amazing as that. Seriously. I've been telling everyone I meet about how awesome those stories are.
    Last week, you mentioned that you weren't going to update until this coming Wednesday, and though I was disappointed, I was willing to wait. But today, I went to check your page in the off chance you had decided to post early, and none of your stories are there! I am seriously freaking out right now, because I can't imagine never being able to read them again! I think I prefer them over the original source material!

    Please tell me you haven't taken them down, and there's a glitch in the system, or that they are on a different site now, or something! Because I can't imagine these stories but being in my life anymore!
    (A tad dramatic, but I want you to know how much I appreciate your writing and how desperately I want to keep reading and re-reading them.)

  2. Hi. I couldn't figure out any other way of contacting you, so here it goes.

    I've recently (August) found your stories posted on, and I have never ever read anything as amazing as that. Seriously. I've been telling everyone I meet about how awesome those stories are.
    Last week, you mentioned that you weren't going to update until this coming Wednesday, and though I was disappointed, I was willing to wait. But today, I went to check your page in the off chance you had decided to post early, and none of your stories are there! I am seriously freaking out right now, because I can't imagine never being able to read them again! I think I prefer them over the original source material!

    Please tell me you haven't taken them down, and there's a glitch in the system, or that they are on a different site now, or something! Because I can't imagine these stories but being in my life anymore!
    (A tad dramatic, but I want you to know how much I appreciate your writing and how desperately I want to keep reading and re-reading them.)
