The next chapter's up! I'm sorry I haven't been answering reviews for the last few weeks - university's been keeping me too busy to do much else than get the chapters done. :S But I should hopefully be able to get some answers out to you all within the next few weeks. :) I really do appreciate your comments. :)
Here's the preview:
"How do you know about the squid?" Harry asked; last he'd heard, the twins had been content to stare at Moony in awed silence, instead of asking him questions. "And friends? Were there- I mean- Friends? As in, more than one? Who-"
"Friends is the plural of friend, Potter," Draco said, "so yes, I daresay there was more than one." Hermione laughed before she could stop herself. "Why in Merlin's name did these friends of yours have to clean the bathroom? I'm lost."
"They lost me at squid," Harry heard Ron say to Hermione, who nodded. At the same time, the twins seemed to realise Draco was with them.
"Oh, Malfoy," Fred said. "Didn't see you there."
"Well," George amended, "we did see you-"
"-but we didn't recognise you-"
"-with your tie." Draco glanced at the offending item and flushed.
Until next week. :)
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