Monday, 10 December 2012

Monday 10th December, 2012

Hi everyone! :D
I've just finished and uploaded another chapter, for those that are interested... :)
Here's an excerpt:

Regulus, for whatever reason, had marked the page of one called ‘Dementor’s Draught’ which forced the drinker to relive their worst memories and also acted as a slow poison - the drinker would live for up to a year with general lethargy, recurring nausea and frequent mood changes unless treated. Some even died from it. The book offered no remedies, however. Harry wrinkled his nose and set that one aside; they’d keep it, he decided, but he’d be happy if he never needed to read it again.

There was also An Advanced Guide to Protective Wards which had no specific pages marked but had obviously been read a number of times; the spine was creased and the edges of the pages were soft and rounded with wear. There was a box-set of Applications of Defensive Magic, but only the volume on dark creatures had been read; the others were all in pristine condition.

“Harry?” Harry glanced up. “Is there a book there on wizarding artefacts over there with you?” Harry shifted Traces and Auras: See The Magic Around You and grabbed a book thinner than the others in the pile, titled History’s Most Magical Wizarding Artefacts.

“This one?”

“Yeah, I thought I saw that. Flick through. See if you can find me an ugly ring with a black stone.”

Thank you to those of you who've been leaving reviews! They make my day. :)

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