Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Tuesday July 24th, 2012.

Hi all!
Sorry for the long break between posts - school's gone back and it's busy at the moment. :S
I don't have anything to report as far as new stories at the moment (though I'm still working on "Innocent" when I can find time).
I've put another poll up so please vote. :)
The results for the most recent poll "IF YOU COULD READ THE HARRY POTTER BOOKS FROM A PERSPECTIVE OTHER THAN HARRY'S, WHOSE WOULD IT BE?are in and it seems voters would be most interested in hearing from SEVERUS SNAPE.
That's all for the moment! :)

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Thursday 12th July, 2012.

Hi, everyone!
Firstly, the results from the poll "WHICH CHARACTER DO YOU MOST LOVE TO HATE?" are in:
Tied for first place are PETER PETTIGREW, DOLORES UMBRIDGE and VERNON DURSLEY. Thanks to everyone who voted. There's another poll up as of now, so please vote for that one too. :)
Secondly, for those who are interested, I believe I made a promise earlier this week... I've deliberately chosen one of the more ambiguous scenes, and I'll be interested to hear what people think. :)

Here's an excerpt from "Innocent":

“There is no need to apologise,” Dumbledore said, resting a hand on Remus’ trembling shoulder. With it, Remus was surprised to find, was a scent of guilt. So Professor Dumbledore wishes things had been different now too... “You being upset is understandable, and you being angry is even more so. I really do need to get back to the school but I’ll see what I can do about getting you involved with the search.”
“Thank you,” Remus said, his voice muffled. “There’s Floo Powder on the mantle.”
“Yes, I remember. Take care, Remus and let me know if you think of anything else. Headmaster’s Office, Hogwarts.” There was a whooshing sound and then he was gone. Remus slid down the wall to the floor and began to cry.

That's it for the moment. :)

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Wednesday 11th July, 2012

Hi everyone! :D
The sixth and final chapter of "Defining Moments" is up, and as you've probably guessed, it's Lily. :) I've published the Google Document for those that are interested - there's a link in the right column. I'd like to say another thank you to everyone who's read and reviewed. :)

Excerpt from Chapter 6:

“Does he still even go here?” Remus whispered.
“Yes,” James said. “I had breakfast with him this morning.”
“How’s that even possible?” Remus asked. “You had breakfast with Peter and me this morning.”
Potter ruffled his hair. Lily had been tempted, more than once to cut it all off. “He’s been having breakfast in the kitchens,” Potter muttered.
“Oh!” Remus said. And then, “Just so I wouldn’t have to see him?” Potter nodded.
“Shh!” Lily hissed, trying to see around Potter’s fat head to the blackboard.
James turned, grinned at her and then turned back to Remus, lowering his voice. 

That's all for the moment, but there will be a post tomorrow at some point, containing a snippet of "Innocent" for those who are interested. :)

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Tuesday 10th July, 2012

Hello! :D
Chapter 5 is up! Only one more to go. :)

Excerpt from Chapter 5:

“Spit it out,” Remus said.
“SnapewaspissingmeoffsoItoldhimabouttheWhompingWillowandhewentdownandJameswentdownandwecarriedhimoutandthenDumbledoretalkedandwewentbacktothedormandIpunchedJamesandIstartedcryingandWormtaildidhomework,” Sirius blurted.
“I’m sorry, what?” Remus asked. James looked like he wanted to laugh and cry at the same time and he settled for an uncannily unreadable expression. “What happened?”
“I told Snape,” Sirius said. “About the Willow.”
“The Whomping Willow?” Remus asked flatly. Sirius nodded. “Well that was thick of you,” Remus said, rolling his eyes.

That's all for now. :)

Monday, 9 July 2012

Monday 9th July, 2012

Hello! :)
As you've no doubt realised, the blog has a new look! :D I thought I'd change it up a bit. :)
Anyway, I've updated "Defining Moments" again so please read and review. :D

Excerpt from Chapter 4:

There was a loud thump as Sirius jerked his head up in surprise, skidded on a loose sock and collided with his trunk. “Fuck,” he groaned from the floor, clutching his leg. “Fucking- Pete- keep your things on your side of the room.” The sock hit Peter in the face. Sirius picked himself up off the ground and dropped onto his bed, cradling his knee.
“Sorry,” Peter mumbled, tossing the sock at his trunk. He wasn’t neat by nature, though the other three were. It was always his things left lying around, though he was better than he’d used to be; in third year, Sirius and James had hidden his possessions if there were more than seven on the floor at any one time.
“S’all right,” Sirius grunted. Then, “This is going to bruise.”

As usual, the next chapter will be up tomorrow. :)
Bye for now!

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Sunday July 8th, 2012

As promised, I've just put the next chapter of "Defining Moments" up. I've also had a request for an excerpt of "Innocent" and that will be up after I have finished publishing updates about "Defining Moments".

Excerpt from Chapter 3:

“He deserves to be put down,” Severus muttered.
Black lifted his fist so quickly Severus hardly saw, and even quicker, Potter had smothered what was sure to have been a painful blow. Then Potter snapped his own fist back and it collided with Severus’ jaw. He doubled over, clutching his face. The teachers were on their feet but Potter made no move to attack him again.
“How dare you!” Potter snarled, eyes blazing. The air seemed to thrum with power and Slughorn looked quite unnerved. The papers on Dumbledore’s desk fluttered but the window was shut and Severus doubted wind was strong enough to knock books off the shelves.

Thank you to all those who have reviewed Chapter 2. :)
Bye for now.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Saturday, July 7th, 2012

Chapter 2 of "Defining Moments" is up, and I've also redone the "White Flags" banner; I was in a creative mood today...

Anyway, here's an excerpt of Chapter 2:

“Hi, Moony,” James said weakly. The wolf’s eyes brightened and his tail made a funny movement that could have been a wag. “How are you feeling?” The wolf cocked his head to the side, brown eyes fixed on the boys. James didn’t like the way he was looking at them at all. “No, Moony,” he said. “We’re not dinner, we’re friends. Or at least I am. This git here’s not a friend but I’ll be very cross if you eat him.” The wolf took a slow step forward, sniffing curiously.
“We’re going to die,” Snape whimpered.
“And who’s fault is that?” James snapped. “Moony, that’s a little close. Back off a bit, mate.” Moony growled. “Or not,” James said. “Just don’t come any closer.” 

The next chapter will be up this time tomorrow, and thank you to those of you who have already read and reviewed Chapter 1. :)


Friday, 6 July 2012

Friday 6th July, 2012

Hi all!
The first chapter of my holiday project titled "Defining Moments" is up - there's a link on side. There will be six chapters in total and they'll be up every day from now. I'll put the Google Document up once the last chapter is published.

Here's an excerpt from Chapter 1:

Snape’s expression could have curdled milk. “And you?” he asked. “Let me guess? I’m jealous of you too.”
“Snivvy, I think you’re jealous of everyone,” Sirius said. “But if I had to guess your reasons concerning me, it would probably be because I can fly in a straight line when I’m on a broomstick, because I’ve kissed more girls than you’ve ever talked to and because I know how to use a shower.”
“I think you think too much of yourself, Black,” Snape said.

That's all for now!