Saturday, 12 May 2012

Friday 12th May, 2012

Hi everyone!
School's back and, from the lack of posts recently, you've probably guessed that I've been extremely busy with school work. I have, however, been using every spare moment to try to finish "Trainee". It's a little later being uploaded than I expected (and hoped) but it's also about fifteen thousand words longer than I expected... :P
Anyway, it's up now, so check it out on the 'My Fanfictions' link on the left.

Also, I've put up a link to the "White Flags" Google Document, which can be saved as a PDF for those who are interested.



  1. Well, in that case I should get your stories over to my e-reader for future travel. Oh, just finished Trainee btw. You'll find three reviews waiting with it. I really liked it, and I hope you'll start on something new soon when having a little break from school and such. If anything, you helped me get a little inspiration and power to keep on writing :3

    1. :) Yay! Reviews! Thank you, I'm glad you did! It's certainly possible that I might write another something small, but I can't make any promises. :P Aww. :)
      Thank you for the comment!
