Saturday 21 June 2014

Saturday, June 21nd 2014

Hi all! The chapter's ready! Here's the preview: Padfoot huffed at them, but didn’t lift his nose. It was only mid-morning, but up in the mountains, it was dark enough to be the afternoon. Afternoon on… was it Sunday, or Monday? Padfoot counted back mentally. It was hard to keep track of time as a dog, and hard to keep track of time in the mountains, when everything was dark, no matter the time of day. Their mission structure also made it difficult; they walked for as long as they could, slept when they felt like it, or needed a break, and then walked some more. Sunday or Monday? Padfoot wondered again, and was bothered by the fact that he wasn’t certain. Enjoy! MarauderLover7.

Saturday 14 June 2014

Saturday June 14th, 2014

Hi, all! The next chapter's finished - and early! :D Here's the preview: “Oh my,” McGonagall said, pressing her hand – which was clasped tightly around her wand – to her heart. Snape didn’t seem to have eyes for any of them, except for Draco, who was fidgeting. McGonagall, apparently already over her shock, was now looking angrier that Harry had ever seen. She flicked her wand at one of the spraying jets of water, which transfigured itself into a chain and secured the troll to the stone wall. Then she rounded on them. “What on earth happened here?! Why aren’t the four of you in your dormitory?!” “I spilled juice on Granger, and then Potter said to lock the door, and Weasley actually locked the door, and-” "You-you spilled juice on Miss Granger so you could lock her in with a troll?" McGonagall asked faintly. Enjoy! MarauderLover7.

Sunday 8 June 2014

Sunday, June 8th, 2014

Hi all! Sorry for the late, and short update; my laptop deleted what I'd written, so I've spent all of today trying to redo it. :( Here's the preview: Suddenly, though, he burst out laughing. Remus glanced at him, and Sirius threw an arm around his shoulders. Remus glanced at him, puzzled. “Good joke, Moony,” he said. “I heard a better one the other day, though; there’s a dragon and a-” Someone cleared their throat, and Remus turned around. Sirius’ scent changed instantly, from defiant, to irritated, and Dora’s hair lost its remaining pink and went red. Until next week! MarauderLover7.

Sunday 1 June 2014

Sunday, June 1st 2014

Hi all! The next chapter's up; sorry it's a tad late! Here's the preview: Harry didn’t think he’d ever been so worried for his own safety in his life. Ron made an odd whimpering noise, and Draco was unhealthily pale. The giant dog – and not just any dog, but a dog with three heads – yawned, showing teeth as long as Harry’s forearm. It sniffed and then growled. Had it been smaller, Harry might have approached it, and tried to pat it – after living with Padfoot for so long, he had a fair idea on how to pat dogs – but it wasn’t small, it was huge, so Harry backed off. Enjoy! MarauderLover7.

Saturday 24 May 2014

Saturday, May 24th 2014

Hi all! The update is ready! Here's the preview: “So it’s the last place Filch or the Prefects would check,” Harry said. “I’m sure it links up to a staircase or something-” “Clever,” Ron said, grinning. Harry grinned back. Malfoy and Zabini did not. “You’re idiots,” Malfoy hissed. Zabini nodded. All four of them froze. “-nasty streak that no eleven year old should have. Merlin knows it’s messing things up at home; she takes it out on Viv, and then poor Tori has to step in, and that’s changed her too… you should see it, though. Tori’s this tiny little thing, but she’s terrifying when she gets going-” Someone else laughed and said, “Clarice-” “Prefects!” Ron hissed. Enjoy! MarauderLover7.

Saturday 17 May 2014

Saturday, May 17th 2014

Hi all! The update is up! :) Here's the preview: “Potter,” Morton said, sounding equally alarmed and curious. Harry lifted the hand that wasn’t supporting his broomstick and gave an awkward wave. Next to Morton, Umbridge swelled and stepped forward. “Mr Potter,” she said. She didn’t look displeased to see him - a sickly smile was in place – and her tone wasn’t nasty, either, but Harry couldn’t shake the idea that she was not happy to see him. “Might I ask what you’re doing here?” Enjoy! MarauderLover7.

Sunday 11 May 2014

Sunday, May 11th 2014.

Hi all!
The next chapter's up - it's a touch late this week, because I've been so busy. :( But it's longer than other chapters have been, so hopefully that makes up for it. :)

Here's the preview:

It turned out to be a fun lesson. Harry, without bothering to consult his textbook, used a Wind Charm, and was given ten points; Ventus was a charm they learned later in the year, apparently, and he had the control of a second year. Seamus, in the seat behind Harry, tried to melt his marble. It sort of worked; he did manage to melt the marble, but he also set his desk on fire, and lost five points for doing so.

Harry glanced at his friends; Draco was blowing on his marble, and stopping it before it rolled off the desk, before blowing it the other way, and Ron was shooting sparks out of his wand. Every second or third spark would hit the glass, and push it over a bit. Hermione's face was scrunched up in concentration, and she seemed to have two spindles growing out of her marble.

As they left Charms, and headed for lunch, she told Harry, rather sadly, that she'd been trying to make it grow legs and run, but hadn't quite managed it.

Until Sunday!