Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Wednesday, August 28th 2013

Hi, everyone!
I hope you've all had a good start to the week. :)
The next chapter's up! :D

Here's the preview:

“Wow,” Tonks said, wondering why an old Auror knew so much about magic and its manifestation.

“My mother was one,” he said, looking uncomfortable.

“Was?” Tonks asked quietly.

“Grindelwald didn’t like squibs any more than he liked muggles. He didn’t touch Britain, but France...”

“You lived in France?” Tonks asked, staring at her mentor.

“Shall I tell you my entire life story?” Mad-Eye asked sarcastically, and Tonks cursed herself for interrupting.

“I’m just curious,” Tonks said, blushing. Mad-Eye harrumphed and went back to flicking through files. Tonks sighed and went back to her own work.

“My father was a Hit-Wizard,” Mad-Eye said, after a moment. Tonks resolutely kept her mouth shut, though she had a thousand questions to ask.


Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Wednesday, 21st July 2013

Hello, everyone!
I'd like to apologise for not being as prompt in my responses to reviews for the last chapter - I've been incredibly busy and have had to spend the hour and a bit I'd usually use to answer reviews trying to get the chapter finished. :S I'll work through those reviews when I get the chance. :)
I have finished the chapter on time - just! - and it's up now. :)

Here's the preview:

“Elvendork,” John growled, and then his stomach sank. “No!” Appealing to his son-in-law was a waste of time, but he was convinced his daughter would see sense. “Felicity, you can’t be serious-”

“Oh, but Daddy, it’s so unique,” she said, and reached out to take Derek’s hand. 

Or not, John thought miserably. Derek grinned like an idiot and nodded, and John cursed the man that had turned his sensible daughter into someone that liked ‘unique’ things. “But-but Elvendork?” he asked weakly. This was his grandchild!

“Ellie for short if it’s a girl,” Felicity said, smiling.

“And Dork for short if it’s a boy,” Derek said, and John couldn’t for the life of him work out if the man was joking. John sulked for the rest of lunch, and winced every time Sue hissed at him to get over himself.


Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Wednesday, August 14th 2013

Happy Wednesday, everyone!
I won't say much, other than the next chapter's up! :D

“I have. What’s happening with the trial?”

“They’re revoting,” Moody said.

“Voting? Already?!” He hadn’t even been gone for an hour yet. He’d been expecting to have more time.

“Lupin was quick – they didn’t really question him at all - and Black obviously knew exactly what he was going to say because he was done in ten minutes, and Fudge took half that to tear him to pieces.” Gawain could hear the shrug in his voice.

“What do you think?”

“I don’t know what to think,” Moody admitted. “Most of the Wizengamot are against him, but Dumbledore and Amelia are on Black’s side and that counts for a lot... Fudge isn’t happy – he’s called a recess and there’ll be another vote in about ten minutes.”

Until next week!

Monday, 5 August 2013

Tuesday, August 6th 2013

Hello, everyone! :D
Here's hoping you've all had an excellent week so far. :) It's been a while since I thanked everyone for their support with "Innocent", so thank you - this is such a monstrously long story that sometimes it's hard to be motivated to finish chapters on time, but your reviews help me stay on track. :D
And, due to so many responses to the last chapter, I was super-motivated and actually managed to get the next one up a day early! :D

Here's the preview:

“The charges, then-” Fudge gave Sirius a nasty smile and accepted a rather long piece of parchment from Rattler. “-against the accused are as follows: That he did knowingly, deliberately and in full awareness of the illegality of his actions, having trained as an Auror, personally contribute to the war’s magical and non-magical casualties – more specifically the deaths Peter Pettigrew and thirteen muggles. 

"The accused did also partake in the use of dark magic like the Unforgivable curses during his time as a Death Eater, and passed confidential information to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named that resulted in deaths – more specifically, the deaths of the Potters, Boneses, McKinnons, Meadoweses and also of individuals including Caradoc Dearborn, Benjy Fenwick and Gideon and Fabian Prewett.” 

Fudge paused for breath then, and looked at Sirius, who met his gaze calmly and waited for him to continue. Remus quirked an eyebrow in Sirius’ direction, and Sirius let one corner of his mouth twitch upward to show that yes, he was all right.

“Mr Black is also accused of escaping the prison fortress, Azkaban-”

“Objection,” Sirius said, with a lazy grin.

We're well and truly into the trial now... :D
Until next week (Wednesday)!